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讲师 硕士生导师




新材料与化工学院 基础化学教学实验中心









宋焕巧,女,1978年出生,博士,讲师,硕士生导师。2001年毕业于河北理工大学材料科学与工程学院,获工学学士学位。2008年毕业于北京科技大学材料科学与工程学院材料学专业,获工学博士学位;2008-2010年在清华大学化学系从事博士后研究工作;2010-2013年在北京中航长力能源科技有限公司, 锌空气电池电极材料研发部任研发工程师/研发中心副主任;2013-2015年在北京纳米能源与系统研究所, 复合能源材料研究部任助理研究员;201511月起在九州体育工作,E-mail: songhuanqiao@cosmetic-care.net





1. 国家自然科学基金项目, 21805012, 三维石墨烯基高稳定乙醇电氧化催化剂的可控构筑及催化机理研究, 2019/01-2021/12, 在研, 主持

2.北京市自然科学基金项目,2182015,非平衡态钒酸锂基锂电正极材料的构筑及锂离子扩散机理研究, 2018/01-2020/12,  在研, 主持



5.北京市自然科学基金青年基金项目,2194075,介孔氧化硅基催化剂的构筑及丙烷氧化脱氢性能研究, 2019/01-2020/12, 在研,第一参加人

6. 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划项目, 91433102, 高时空研究钙钛矿基太阳能电池材料中的微纳结构、界面工程及转换效率调控方法, 2015/01-2017/12, 已结题, 参加




1. Huanqiao Song*, Qingzhu Zhao, Xing Zhou, Ziye Cao, Mingsheng Luo*, Selection of highly active and stable Co supported SiC catalyst for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis: Effect of the preparation method. Fuel, 2018, 229: 144-150.

2. Huanqiao Song*, Mingsheng Luo, Aimei Wang, High Rate and Stable Li-Ion Insertion in Oxygen-Deficient LiV3O8 Nanosheets as a Cathode Material for Lithium-Ion Battery. ACS Applied Material & Interfaces, 2017, 9: 2875-2882.

3. Huanqiao Song*, Mingsheng Luo, Xinping Qiu, Guozhong Cao,  Insights?into the endurance promotion of PtSn/CNT catalysts by thermal annealing for ethanol electro-oxidation, Electrochimica Acta, 2016,  213: 578-586.

4. Huanqiao Song*, Chaofeng Liu, Changkun Zhang, Guozhong Cao*, Self-Doped V4+-V2O5 Nanoflake for 2 Li-ion Intercalation with Enhanced Rate and Cycling Performance. Nano Energy, 2016, 22: 1-10.

5. Huanqiao Song*, Cuiping Zhang, Yaguang Liu, Chaofeng Liu, Xihui Nan and Guozhong Cao*, Facile systhesis of mesoporous V2O5 nanosheets with superior rate capability and excellent cycling stability for Lithium ion batteries. Journal of Power sources, 2015, 294: 1-7.

6. Huanqiao Song*, Yaguang Liu, Cuiping Zhang , Chaofeng Liu and Guozhong Cao*, Mo-doped LiV3O8 nanorod-assembled nanosheets as a high performance cathode material for lithium ion batteries. Journal of materials chemistry A, 2015, 3: 3547-3558.

7. 李鹤, 宋焕巧*, 罗明生*.焙烧温度对碳纳米管钴基费托合成催化剂性能的影响. 精细化工, 2018, 35(5): 775-784.

8. 赵庆祝, 宋焕巧*, 李鹤, 赵铁剑, 罗明生. La2O3助剂对Co/SiC 催化费托合成反应的影响.石油化工, 2018, 47(3): 219-225.

9. 赵庆祝, 宋焕巧*, 李鹤, 赵铁剑, 罗明生*. 新型高比表面积碳化硅的制备及其在多相催化中的应用进展. 中国陶瓷, 2018, 54(2): 8-16

10. Huanqiao Song, Pu Xiao, Xinping Qiu*, Wentao Zhu, Design and Preparation of Highly Active Carbon Nanotube-supported Sulfated TiO2 and Platinum Catalysts for Methanol Electrooxidation. Journal of Power Sources, 2010, 195: 1610-1614.

11. Huanqiao Song, Xinping Qiu*, Fushen LiPromotion of Carbon Nanotube-supported Pt Catalyst for Methanol and Ethanol Electro-oxidation by ZrO2 in Acidic Media. Applied Catalysis A: General, 2009, 364: 1-7.

12. Huanqiao Song, Xinping Qiu*, Daojun. Guo, Fushen Li, Role of Structural H2O in TiO2 Nanotubes in Enhancing Pt/C Direct Ethanol Fuel Cell Anode Electro-catalysts. Journal of Power Sources, 2008, 178: 97-102.

13. Huanqiao Song, Xinping Qiu*, Fushen Li, Effect of Heat Treatment on the Performance of TiO2-Pt/CNT Catalysts for Methanol Electro-oxidation. Electrochimica. Acta, 2008, 53: 3708-3713.

14. Huanqiao Song, Xinping Qiu*, Xiaoxia Li, Fushen Li, Wentao Zhu, Liquan Chen, TiO2 Nanotubes Promoting Pt/C Catalysts for Ethanol Electro-oxidation in Acidic Media. Journal of Power Sources, 2007, 170: 50-54.

15. Huanqiao Song, Xinping Qiu*, Fushen Li, Wentao Zhu, Liquan Chen, Ethanol Electro-oxidation on Catalysts with TiO2 Coated Carbon Nanotubes as Support. Electrochemistry Communications, 2007, 9: 1416-1421.

16. 宋焕巧, 邱新平*, 李福燊. 新型Pt-TiO2/CNT电催化剂的结构设计及其对甲醇的催化氧化. 化学与物理电源系统,2007, 2: 26-31.

17. 20、宋焕巧, 于之东, 卜景龙*. Z值对凝胶注模成型SiC-Sialon材料烧结性能的影响. 河北理工学院学报, 2004, 26(2): 95-98.

18. 李金峰, 宋焕巧, 邱新平*. 直接甲醇燃料电池阳极催化剂的研究进展. 电源技术,2007, 31: 167-169.

19. Huiping Yuan, Huanqiao Song, Xinping Qiu*, Wentao Zhu, Liquan Chen, Electrochemical Characters and Structure Changes of Electrochemically Treated Pt Nanoparticles. Electrochemistry Communications, 2010, 12: 14-17.

20. Pu Xiao, Huanqiao Song, Xinping Qiu*, Wentao Zhu, Liquan Chen, Ulrich Stimming, Petra Bele, Study on the co-catalytic effect of titanate nanotubes on Pt-based catalysts in direct alcohol fuel cells. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2010, 97: 204-212.

21. Baoying Sun, Huanqiao Song, Xinping Qiu*, Wentao Zhu, New Anhydrous Proton Exchange Membrane for Intermediate Temperature Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells. ChemPhysChem, 2011,12: 1196-1201.

22. Yaguang Liu, Huanqiao Song, Cuiping Zhang, Xihui Nan, Chaofeng Liu and Guozhong Cao*, Nickel-doped Lithium Trivanadate Nanosheets Synthesized by Hydrothermal Synthesis as High Performance Cathode Materials for Lithium ion batteries. Science of Advanced Materials, 2015, 7: 1-9.

23. Cuiping Zhang, Huanqiao Song, Changkun Zhang, Chaofeng Liu, Yaguang Liu, and Guozhong Cao*, Interface Reduction Synthesis of H2V3O8 Nanobelts-Graphene for High-Rate Li-ion Batteries. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2015, 119:11391-11399.

24. Changkun Zhang, Huanqiao SongChaofeng Liu, Yaguang Liu, Cuiping Zhang, Xihui Nan, and Guozhong Cao*, Fast and Reversible Li Ion Insertion in Carbon Encapsulated Li3VO4 as Anode for Lithium-Ion Battery. Advanced Functional Materials, 2015, 25: 3497-3504.

25. Chaofeng Liu, Huanqiao SongChangkun Zhang, Yaguang Liu, Cuiping Zhang, Xihui Nan, and Guozhong Cao*, Coherent Mn3O4-carbon nanocomposites with enhanced energy storage capacitance. Nano Research, 2015, 8(10): 3372-3383.

26. Chaofeng Liu, Changkun Zhang, Huanqiao SongXihui Nan, Haoyu Fu and Guozhong Cao*, MnO nanoparticles with cationic vacancies and discrepant crystallinity dispersed into porous carbon for Li-ion capacitors. Journal of materials chemistry A, 2016, 4(9): 3362-3370.

27. Xiong Pu, Linxuan Li, Huanqiao Song, Chunhua Du, Zhenfu zhao, Chunyan Jiang, Guozhong Cao, Weiguo Hu, and Zhonglin Wang*, A Self-Charging Power Unit by Integration of a Textile Triboelectric Nanogenerator and a Flexible Lithium-Ion Battery for Wearable Electronics. Advanced Materials, 2015, 27: 2472-2478.

28. Chaofeng Liu, ChangkunZhang, HuanqiaoSong, Cuiping Zhang, YaguangLiu, XihuiNan, GuozhongCao*, Mesocrystal MnO cubes as anode for Li-ion capacitors. Nano Energy, 2016, 22: 290–300.